Christmas Cracker Savings Club

Christmas is a very special time of year and we love nothing more than spoiling our loved ones, but if you don’t plan ahead, it can be very expensive.

Why not join our Christmas Cracker Savings Club to help you get crackin’ on saving for next Christmas.


  • Lodge money to your Christmas Cracker Savings Account through payroll deduction, by direct debit, cash payments or have your children’s allowance payments directed to this account.
  • This account will be separate from all other credit union accounts you may hold.
  • You can get a new Christmas Cracker Savings Book.
  • Savings can be made weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
  • Funds can be withdrawn at any time, but we encourage members not to do so until the “payout date” on 1st November; on that date all funds held in your Christmas Cracker Savings Account can be withdrawn in cash or be forwarded to you by electronic funds transfer or cheque. Withdrawals before November require Supervisor approval.
  • Christmas Cracker Savings cannot be held as security against a loan but you can top up your savings with a Christmas loan.
  • Your Christmas Savings Account will not be closed following the “payout date” and you can continue to save for the following Christmas.
  • You will still earn any potential dividend on your savings over the year.

If you are already a member, just ask at the counter in any of our branches or call our Member Service Centre on 056-7722042 to open a new Christmas Cracker Savings Account. It will immediately be visible on the App aswell so you can keep track of your saving from the start!

If you are not yet a member & you work or live in our common bond catchment area just call in person to any of our offices with your photo ID, proof of address (dated within the last 6 months) and your PPS number (on official documentation) and a member of staff will go through the application process with you.